Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mark Twain quote

I have darkened the quote in Photoshop but one misses the subtle pencil least the letter forms are easier to see.

More Island Magic class work

Here is an example of work that we did in Peter Thornton's class where we studied the works of Adolf Bernd. Peter is hoping to have an exhibit of Bernd's work at the Chicago conference in July, 2008.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Upcoming Issues of The Broad Edge

Upcoming issues will feature reports from our members on their classes at Island Magic 2007 and our November workshop with Gwen Weaver on Rascally Romans and Beautiful Babies. Have you submitted your report yet?!

From Peter Thornton's Casual Caps class.....

December Meeting

Our next meeting will be our Christmas Potluck Luncheon and Card and Gift Exchange on December 8, 2007. Email for details!