Seems the best laid plans.........out the window!
We have had a busy year so far. Our meetings are always a fun filled day and the April meeting was no exception. In March, we had all made a little book in preparation for the crazy program where we do a collaborative book all in one day! Jo Y. was back from England and helped with the cover for the accordian book. Some choose to have their contribution ready to glue in place on the day but most usually go along with the real deal and write their words right in the books. The theme this time was "Travel" and there was a wide array of quotes and ideas with only a couple of duplicates I think.

This year we decided to assign specific topics for Galleria, although there will still be months where our homework or work generated from a workshop will be our focus. May is our first actual assigned Galleria...........use only watercolours. Have you done yours yet?!
And we are looking forward to June when Thomas Hoyer from Germany will be with us for a workshop on the Introduction to the Ruling Pen. Fay took Thomas' class at Island Magic and he came highly recommended. When Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild contacted us to share Thomas we didn't have too much trouble deciding!
We are planning a field trip this summer to Tacoma to see the St. John's Bible exhibition.
Tacoma Art Museum (Tacoma, Wash.), July 11 – Sept. 5, 2008
Having seen a couple of pages when I took a class with Sally Mae Joseph at the St. Louis International Calligraphy Conference, I think I can say that the trip will be well worth it. I am sure we will also make a stop at Daniel Smith Art Supplies, just in case anyone needs anything! We might find that there is so much to see and do that we have to stay over.
With an exhibition of our own coming up, it is time to be thinking about new exhibition pieces. Our deadline is fast approaching...
There are some wonderful opportunities to study this summer. Red Deer College always has a great lineup of instructors every summer and this one is no exception. Gemma Black from Australia will be there. This would be a perfect setting to spend a week learning with Gemma.
The International Calligraphy Conference will be in Chicago this year. There is still time to register!
Our upcoming meetings - May 10 - Layered Piece with Trevor
June 14 - Marker Lettering with Kathleen
see your Spring 2008 newsletter for the supply lists.
Don't forget the deadline for the next newsletter is the May meeting if you have something to be included in our Summer issue!
See you at the next meeting!