Some Alphabeas members spent two days this past week learning the basics of the ruling pen. It was a great workshop and I don't think anyone was disappointed. We enjoyed Thomas as an instructor, he is very well prepared and there wasn't a dull moment. We heard lots of oooohs and aaaaaahs when the pens made wonderful splatters and when a letter worked out quite nicely. Sometimes there was just one letter on a page........

and I think we all came away thinking this would take some practice to make all those down strokes the same width and get as fine a line as possible on the up strokes. It would have been fun to get in to working with the Ecoline inks to add colour to our work but we had chosen to stick with the basics first and I really think that was a good decision. Too much too fast and we would not have concentrated on basic techniques and basic shapes. Next time!! yes, we are already talking about a return visit.
And now it is on to the June meeting. This is a wind-up before summer with the stitching of the Broad Edge to do and revisiting some letters and work with markers and of course, a pot luck lunch! We've always remarked at our potlucks.........calligraphers know how to eat and I'm sure this one will be every bit as tasty. Come prepared to play in the afternoon!

Wherever your calligraphic travels take you this summer, remember we'd love a report! Whether is be the conference in Chicago or a workshop or a new book you discover, we're always interested.
If you are looking for something interesting to fill a day or two, check out letterboxing. What's that you say?! Have a look........ http://www.letterboxing.org/ kinda looks like fun! There are even some in Langley!
Happy Summer everyone!!