Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 2011 meeting

The program for our January meeting was led by Marilyn.  She showed us a card that she had learned in an LOJ class last Spring.

                                                        Marilyn showed us her examples.

and then it was heads down, work on at least a couple of our own - one to keep and one to give to Nan.

Bev, Wendy and Terry

Margot, Muriel and Joyce

Rita, Win and Trevor


Nan, Pat, Fay and Rita

Violet, Margot and Muriel

The idea was to take a piece of cardstock and fold it three or five times (or multiples thereof?). Cut horizontal lines where you want to weave another colour of cardstock around the cuts.  It works well with double sided scrapbooking cardstock as well as plain colours.  I tried making my cuts only between the fold lines rather than straight across to see if it added a bit of stability to the card.

Thanks Marilyn!!
and Thank you to Louise for providing photos of the day!

More Christmas photos from Muriel

Thanks to Muriel, we have more Christmas party photos!! Unfortunately for some reason the order of them is random, thanks to the blog having a mind of its own tonight!

Anita, Diana and Jo

                                                Diana and Jo

Remember Santa had to be told a secret before he would give out the gift? He seems to really be enjoying Diana's secret!

Dorothy and Diana enjoying opening the cards.

Pat and Santa Trevor conspiring?

Dorothy and Jo having a laugh...

Dorothy, Eileen and Joyce

Frank and Margot


Jo giving up a secret to Santa

Joyce and Bev

Joyce and Trevor

Eileen, Val and Violet opening cards

Kathleen has secrets from Santa?

Louise, Trevor and Pat

Margot and Trevor

Margot, Pat and Nan

Marilyn and Jean

Jo and Trevor

Violet and Pat

Rita shares a secret.

Santa really got a kick out of Wilma's secret!

Rita and Bev

Tracy, Dorothy and Jo

Tracy and Trevor

all the gifts under the tree

Trevor and Kathleen

Val and Louise

Win and Fay

                                                  Thanks again to Val, our hostess!