I was asked recently - where does Alphabeas hold their meetings?
We meet on the second Saturday of each month, except July, August and December, at
Bethany-Newton United Church (BNUC)
14853 60th Avenue
Surrey, BC
V3S 1R8
I would post a map - have one saved and ready to go - but for some reason blogger is not recognizing any of my photos today. We know that the blog is all about the photos, right?
If you are coming from the south, driving along I-5, you have two choices to cross the border.
You can take the truck crossing which is a state route or you can carry on the I-5 and come through the Peace Arch crossing. Either way is fine, just decide when you see the sign on the freeway telling you what the wait time might be to enter Canada.
If you opt to come through the truck crossing, carry along 176th Street, which is the road you are on once you cross the border.
Turn left on #10 Highway - it is a big intersection about 10 minutes north of the border. Then
turn right at 148th Street which is just past a major intersection at 152nd Street.
Turn right at 60th Avenue and you will see Bethany Newton United Church on your left. Park in the parking lot wherever you can and come to the door at the north end of the building. Just inside the door is our classroom on the right side of the corridor.
If you decide to enter via the Peace Arch crossing, continue on the highway to the King George Highway / Crescent Road exit - this will be third exit from the border. You want to exit right and go north on King George Boulevard.
Turn right on #10 Highway (major intersection) and then
turn left on 148th Street.
Turn right at 60th Avenue and you will see Bethany Newton United Church on your left. Park in the parking lot wherever you can and come to the door at the north end of the building. Just inside the door is our classroom on the right side of the corridor.
Google map search for the address of the church if looking at a map is easier for you.
Now, if I could get blogger to accept photos from me, I would update the blog about the May and June meetings........
Victory is mine! finally accepting photos!! |