Friday, February 16, 2018

January 2018
January is a month we can never count on the weather. Sometimes it snows and we have to cancel so for the last few years we have come up with a program that doesn't require a lot of work by one member to prepare. Awhile ago, it was decided that sending out 'sunshine cards' was something we wanted to continue. And, while our sunshine lady is off enjoying real sunshine in Australia while we shiver here at home, she needed more cards! We made some!

Hope you love them Fay!
November 2017 

Sherry led us through a program looking at Annie Cicale's Shadow Letters. Sherry learned them from Andrea Taylor in Vancouver and had requested permission to show them to us. 

The idea is to determine your light source and shadow accordingly. Sounds easy? not so much to this novice!

Thanks Sherry!