Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More Island Magic class work

Here is an example of work that we did in Peter Thornton's class where we studied the works of Adolf Bernd. Peter is hoping to have an exhibit of Bernd's work at the Chicago conference in July, 2008.


V Smythe said...
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V Smythe said...

Just testing out all the features!

I would love to take a workshop with Peter Thornton based on the works of Adolf Bernd.

About us said...

I don't think we have really discussed what to have Peter teach next year. He did say he would like to do his Casual Caps workshop and expand it. As it was the two days weren't enough for us to graduate from pencil to pen. It could have been that we were having way to much fun with pencil though.
I think he is offering it in Chicago and the Adolf Bernd originals should be there on display.

Unknown said...

I like the blog very much. Great work!!
