Saturday, April 21, 2012

February 2012

Our program was presented by Jo Yearsley, a very patient Jo Yearsley! She was leading us through making a tunnel book. Easy enough when you are sitting at your desk, working through instructions. But, anyone who knows this group, knows that some (ok, maybe more than some!) patience is required when we are measuring, folding, cutting circles in varying sizes, etc. Some of us had taken the supply list one step further and cut the circles but sadly, missed the step about diminishing sizes.... folding an accordion perfectly, well more of that 'p' word necessary!!  With all this going on, it wasn't until too late that I realized I had not taken any photos of the books we produced.  My sincerest apologies.

February is an annual Valentine's Card exchange. This year was no different, a lovely selection of handmade cards graced the table.

It has been a busy Spring! hence, the blog has fallen behind. I will endeavour to catch up now and stay current!

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