Sunday, March 22, 2009

List of Guild Library Books

This is a list of the guild library BOOKS, it does not include the exchange newsletters. If you notice anything is missing from the list, please let either Val, our librarian, or Kathleen know.
1 Alphabeas Library books (2006?)
3 A Handwriting Manual Alfred Fairbank
4 A Heaven Sent Grace: a Profile of Irene Wellington Nancy Ouchida
5 ABC Canada Lindley McDougall
6 ABCdarium
7 Advanced Calligraphy Techniques Diana Hoare
8 Alan Blackman's Envelopes Alan Blackman?
9 Alphabets and Numbers of the Middle Ages Henry Shaw
10 Birds in Medieval Manuscripts Brunsdon Yapp
11 Book Works Sue Doggett
12 Calligraphic Swash Initials Arthur Baker
13 Calligraphy Masterclass Peter Halliday
14 Calligraphy Now Margaret Shepherd
15 Calligraphy Today Heather Child
16 Celtic Art (the methods of construction) George Bain
17 Chinese Watercolours Josef Hejzlar
18 Coloured Pencil Techniques Iain Hutton-Jamieson
19 Copperplate Calligraphy Dick Jackson
20 Cover to Cover Shereen LaPlantz
21 Creating Handmade Books Alisa Golden
22 Creating Letterforms R. Sassoon
23 Creative BookBinding Pauline Johnson
24 Creative Paper Crafts
25 Decorative Paper Diane V. Maurer-Mathison
26 Dick Beasley: A Retrospective Catalogue of his Exhibition
27 Door Posts Timothy R. Botts
28 Faculty Exhibit of Calligraphy N.W. 11th Conference
29 Fine Words Fine Book Society of Scribes & Illuminations
30 Flowers in Heraldry Alcuin Society
31 Gift Wrapping and Greeting Cards ed. Lydia Darbyshire
32 Greetings Galore Lynn slevinsky
33 Heraldic Design Heather Child
34 How to make Holiday Pop-ups Joan Iravine
35 I Believe Alcuin Society
36 Lettering Arts Joanne Fink & Judy Kastin
37 Lettering for Architects and Designers Martha Sutherland
38 Lines I Like Emily B. Shields
39 Making your own Marbled and Decorated Letters Jane H. Reese
40 Marker Lettering, Vol. 1, 11, 111 Lynn Slevinsky
41 Reflections Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild
42 Scribe George Thompson
43 Sixty Alphabets Gunnlaugur S. E. Briem
44 Step by Step calligraphy Susan Hufton
45 The Art and Craft of Hand Lettering Annie Cicale
46 The Art and Craft of Handmade Books Shereen LaPlantz
47 The Art of Calligraphy George L. Thompson
48 The Art of Illuminating W. R. Tymms & W. D. Wyatt
49 The Calligrapher's Companion Mary Noble & Janet Mehigan
50 The Calligrapher's Handbook ed. C. M. Lamb
51 The Grammar of Ornament Gwen Jones
52 The Italic Way to Beautiful Handwriting Fred Eager
53 The J. Paul Getty Museum 1985 Appointment Calendar
54 The North Light Illustrated book of Painting Techniques Elizabeth Tate
55 The Oxford Dictionary of Quotation (Third Edition0
56 The Script Letter Tommy Thompson
57 The Spirit of Calligraphy Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild
58 ThreeClassics of Italian Calligraphy Introd: Oscar Ogg
59 Versals, Scrolls, Scripts
60 Writing, Illuminating and Lettering Edward Johnston

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