Saturday, June 8, 2019


The January program subject was "Inspiration".  What inspires you in your creativity?

Bev started by showing a book "Decorated Letters" by Jan Pickett. She said she had gotten many ideas from this book and experimented with them. "Trying something completely different expands the imagination and helps you move into different patterns".

Shannon handed out a Calligraphy crossword puzzle for us to complete. 

Cyndi talked about working with pigments. She experimented with different colours by adding water or walnut ink and gum arabic. She made a colour chart using different kinds of pigments, so we had an opportunity to see the results of her experiments. Some of the pigments she tried were from Voyager and also Pearl Ex. 

Another suggestion from Cyndi was to draw a letter with an Elegant writer pen, then 'wash' with water. Different colours will emerge. Very interesting...

Violet used some of Ewan Clayton's ideas to make a postcard book while on holidays. It inspired her to continue to create postcards on every holiday she takes. She also plans a project for each year. This year's project is working with folded pens. 

Janet's project is doing a 30 minute pencil challenge each day!

Margot brought some old school writing books for us to look at. Many of us remembered the books, "The MacLean Method of Hand Writing" - teacher's manual and the MacLean Method of Writing - Grades 6,7,8. The books brought back memories of a time when good handwriting was considered essential. 

Many thanks to everyone who took the time to bring their ideas, suggestions and work to inspire us and what a fitting program as we started the 25th Anniversary of Alphabeas.  

25 years of learning, support, friendship and INSPIRATION!

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